Reform illegal house in Mallorca

Reform illegal house in Mallorca

Can I reform an illegal house in Mallorca? Several dozen times a year potential buyers ask me if it is possible to reform an illegal house in Mallorca.
Unfortunately sometimes sellers have assured them that they will have no problem to reform an illegal house in Mallorca.
Let’s go by parts.

What is an illegal house in Mallorca?

The legal term for an illegal construction is “Fuera de ordenación”, that’s “out of order”.
Article 129 of the Law 12/2017, of Urbanism of the Balearic Islands says that they are considered out of ordination:
First. Buildings subject to expropriation, compulsory and free cession or demolition.

Second. Buildings executed without a license or with an annulled license even if the adoption of measures to restore the urban planning legality involving the demolition applicable in each case no longer corresponds.

Therefore, if the building did not obtain a license, it is out of order, i.e. it is illegal. Same if license was annulled.

What happens if the statute of limitations has expired?

The law is clear. Nor can you reform it.

Can I reform this illegal house in Mallorca?

NO. And NO, means NO (and in addition, if you do authorities may order a total demolition)
Article 129.2 states that no work of any kind can be done.
In addition. For works subsequent March 1, 1987, you can’t have supplies. So, no water, electricity, phone, gas e

What can happen if I reform this illegal house in Mallorca?

The first thing is that you will not be able to obtain a license. If you apply for it, it will not be granted. Likewise you will be reporting the problem to the administration.

If you renovate without a license there are three consequences.
1.- If the administration discovers it during the works, you will not be able to finish them.
2.- Equally important the demolition of the works will be ordered. If you were reforming the roof, remove the whole roof. If you were making a bathroom, dismantle the whole bathroom.
3.- Finally if the illegality was prescribed, the meter is reset to zero again. Therefore it is no longer prescribed.

Someone told that is possible to reform illegal house in Mallorca

It is a phrase often heard. It is false. Moreover does not have sense
Possibly someone has told you that you can apply for a minor work / prior communication and reform.
Whoever told you:
a) Doesn’t know anything about urban planning. Surely he/ she is neither a lawyer nor an architect, right?
b) Makes a profit if you buy or renovate the house, right?

Can I do it with prior notice?

Prior communication “comunicación previa” is equivalent to the former “minor work”.
No. Therefore you can’t reform illegal house in Mallorca using this way.
With the previous communication, you inform the administration that you start a work.
You do not have to wait for a reply. You just do it.
However, the administration can review it at any time. Consequently, you have a problem.
You don’t have to ask for a license and it is enough to present a previous communication. It does not mean that you can reform an illegal house.

Don’t be tricked into buying a risky property. The authorities in Mallorca are increasing their efforts of prosecuting illegal builds. With this in mind, buying a house without the proper certifications will undoubtedly result in unforeseen consequences. I’m offering you the opportunity to test my expertise with a FREE RISK REPORT of your future property purchase.

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