NIE Number in Mallorca

To buy a property in Mallorca (or elsewhere in Spain) you need to get a NIE number.

In order to get it I need to hold your passport for 1 hour or get a Notarial Copy with the La Haye apostille of it.

Who can order the NIE in Mallorca?

Foreigners who, because of their economic, professional or social interests, are related to Spain, will be given, for identification purposes, a personal, unique and exclusive sequential number.

What is the NIE number?

The personal number shall be the foreigner’s identifier, which must appear on all documents issued or processed, as well as the formalities stamped on his identity card or passport.

How to apply for the NIE number?

A) In person at the police offices

B) Through a representative
Lawyers with an authorization and a certified copy of the passport can apply to NIE on behalf of their clients.

Documents required to apply for NIE

1.- This application duly completed and signed

2.- Original and copy of the complete passport, or identity document.
Written explanation of the economic, professional or social reasons justifying the NIE application.

3.- Power of attorney of the representative to request it.

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